Avernic Smoke Shop

10 Day Permanent Cleanser - Rescue Detox

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  • Regular price $64.99
  • 1 available

Rescue Detox® 10 Day Permanent Detox Kit

Rescue Detox 10 Day Permanent Detox kits are a complete detoxification system created by a team of nutritionists and herbalists in a laboratory setting. The Permanent Detox Kits are specially formulated to optimize the body’s natural detoxification process by eliminating toxic buildup and free radicals. The 5 Day Detox Kits contain four different types of capsules that are to be taken at specific times during the cleansing program in order to maximize your cleanse.

  • Removes all toxins until reintroduced
  • Includes Bonus ICE Capsules
  • Intended for people over 200lbs or high to extreme toxin levels

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
John doe
Non effective

Didn't consume any thc for 3 days prior, not not a heavy smoker. Followed directions to a T for the 10 day detox along with a combination of 6ltrs of water and 1.5ltrs of 100% cranberry juice tested 2 days after completed and still positive on drug alert thc specific test not happy with outcome at all

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